I am always grateful to learn when my presentations resonate with the audience. I'm hopeful that what the audience also takes away is the respect I have for their time. If you or your leadership team wants to discuss how to effectively lead change or manage change, let me know. Helping folks become better change leaders is tons of fun.
Here's an abbreviated version of feedback I received from a presentation I gave last week to a group of highly talented CIOs - all wanting to bolster their change leadership skills:
I would like to thank you very much for all your time and efforts to prepare for and present your views on ...strategies CIOs can use to ... lead change.
Your presentation was well organized and very informative. Once again, you did an excellent job of engaging the group and keeping the session interactive! The CIO members and guests in attendance offered high words of praise for your knowledge and experience on the subject and contributions to their learning on this very important topic area.
Our ‘feedback reviews’ reflected very positively on the insights and perspectives you shared.... A representative sample of what they liked best about the discussion and what they consider to be their key take-away include:
- There are many things to pay attention to when dealing with change
- The importance of change management to large projects
- Too much change can undermine projects
- Do not lose sight of the people aspect of change
- Good framework brought things to light
- Organizing the different aspects/ways of managing change
- Formally scheduling time with shareholders
- The idea/practice of shadowing
- Business skills to develop in direct reports
- The Five imperatives – I will pin this up!
The overall ranking from the group was excellent.
Sandy, excellent presentation! Very well received and very much appreciated!"
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